Meet Pastor Steven Vaggalis


Steven Vaggalis lives in Destin, FL and has a God given passion for the local church and the discipleship of the fellow believer.

"I believe that everyone is called to be a part of a local church and to help influence their city for Jesus. If all of us play our part, as the body, we can influence this nation and witness revival in our generation and those to come. To help facilitate this, I believe discipleship is key. Jesus told us to GO and MAKE disciples. Those are active words not passive. I believe God uses DiscipleMe to help GO (Reach People), and MAKE (Build Lives); just as Jesus commanded."
- SV

When Pastor Steven isn't preaching or studying for DiscipleMe teachings, he is spending time with his lovely family. Steven is happily married to his wife Tiffany, and they have 2 young children, Sophia and Elijah. Steven also participates in the songwriting and creation of Destiny Worship Music.

If you would like to have Pastor Steven speak at your church or conference, then please fill out this form and our team will get back with you soon!

The best way to keep up with Pastor Steven's life is to follow him on Instagram @stevenvaggalis

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